No, a similarity score of 0% does not guarantee the work is not plagiarised. A piece of work has a similarity score of 0%. The important thing is to ensure that ideas and quotations used are properly referenced in an appropriate academic style, not to aim for a particular similarity score. We advise students that there is no score they should aim for as a target. The similarity score indicates text matches with other documents, including for example quotations that are used. What percentage similarity score is sufficient to indicate plagiarism? To return to Moodle, close down the assignment window.

The right-hand column will display any feedback your tutor has left - you can navigate through the different types of feedback using the 3 buttons below this column: Click on the apple icon to view any feedback your tutor has left for you within Turnitin. Your grade will be displayed in the Grade column (alongside the apple). To view your Turnitin assignment grade and feedback via Moodle: 1. How do I view my Turnitin assignment grade and feedback in Moodle? Please refer to the following document for further information on using Turnitin via UCL Moodle: Guidance for students submitting work via Turnitin in Moodle. Fill in the assignment details, browse for your file, agree to the declaration and click Add Submission. To upload your assignment in to Turnitin via Moodle: 1.

How do I upload an assignment / dissertation to Turnitin?
#Turnitin® similarity software#
Please make sure you allow pop-ups for ".uk" in your browsers and any pop-up blocking software you are using. To use Turnitin on Moodle, you need to allow pop-ups for the Moodle site. Pop-ups - and accepting the terms and conditions. Submission links/ inboxes will normally be placed on your Moodle course if you do not know where submission links are, please contact your course administrator or tutor.

Turnitin is one of the tools that UCL uses to help students learn about and avoid plagiarism and to help detect it when it does occur is Turnitin.